
These downloads are provided for your information and are sourced directly from the manufacturer. Please note that some technical elements may not be relevant to Australian conditions, so please check with us before committing to a specification.
Horizontal Cladding over Cavity
BRANZ Appraisal #550 (PDF download)
Standard detail drawing set; HC (PDF download)
Installation Reference; HC (PDF download)
Vertical Cladding over Cavity
BRANZ Appraisal #870 (PDF download)
Standard detail drawing set; VC (PDF download)
Installation Reference; VC (PDF download)
Horizontal Direct-fixed Cladding
BRANZ Appraisal #557 (PDF download)
Standard detail drawing set; H (PDF download)
Installation Reference; H (PDF download)
Vertical Direct-fixed Cladding
BRANZ Appraisal #556 (PDF download)
Standard detail drawing set; V (PDF download)
Installation Reference; V (PDF download)
Technical Documents
Nu-Wall Statement of Performance (PDF download)
Nu-Wall Specification Reference (PDF download)
Masterspec Nu-Wall branded section (MS Word download)
Nu-Wall Profiles
Nu-Wall Profiles (PDF download)
Nu-Wall Profiles (DWG download)
Nu-Wall Profiles (DXF download)
Other Documents
Nu-Wall brochure (PDF download)
Nu-Wall General Information (PDF download)
FAQ Sheet (PDF download)
Environmental Information (PDF download)
Horizontal cladding; set-out to joinery head (PDF download)
Jamb Liner dimensions for joinery manufacturers (PDF download)